Miscellaneous Wire Military Products
Hook up and Lead Wire MIL spec Miscellaneous Wire Military Products

MIL-W-76, MIL-W-5846, MIL-W-25038, MIL-W-81822, MIL-C-915, MIL-C-5756, MIL-C-7078, MIL-C-13294, MIL-C-13486, MIL-C-13777, MIL-C-24640, MIL-C-24643, MIL-C-27072, MIL-C-47206, MIL-C-49055, MIL-C-55021, MIL-I-22129, MIL-C-85045, MIL-I-81765, MIL-S-83519, QQ-W-343, QQ-B-575, J-C-580, J-C-30B, JW-1177, MIL-T-43435, MIL-T-713
Somos Especialistas en Cables. Distribuimos en toda la Republica Mexicana: Innovative Trade Center, Tel: (664) 621 33 36 / 621 30 09 ventas@innovative.com.mx, soporte@innovative.com.mx, Tijuana, B. C. www.innovative.com.mx
Hook up and Lead Wire MIL spec Miscellaneous Wire Military Products
La siguiente es una lista de productos militares populares que no se detallan en este catálogo. Estos elementos también están disponibles con nosotros.
Por favor, consulte a su oficina de ventas local para hojas de especificaciones para particulares cables MIL-Spec no mencionado en este catálogo.
Hook up and Lead Wire MIL spec Miscellaneous Wire Military Products
The following is a list of popular military products not detailed in this catalog. These items are also available from us.
Please consult your local sales office for specification sheets for particular MIL-Spec wires not listed in this catalog.
Type | Description |
MIL-W-76 | General purpose hook-up wire, PVC insulated (inactive) |
MIL-W-5846 | Thermocouple wire, chromel and alumel |
MIL-W-8777 | Aircraft wire, silicone insulated (inactive) |
MIL-W-25038 | Aircraft wire, inorganic fibrous/TFE insulation, high-temperature and fire-resistant, engine zone wire |
MIL-W-81822 | Solderless wrap (wire wrap), for use around terminal pins, Kynar, TFE, ETFE, TFE/Polyimide, PVC, FEP or aluminum/polyester insulated, also available uninsulated (SAE-AS81822) |
MIL-C-915 | Shipboard cable, inactive for new design except outboard types (inactive) |
MIL-C-5756 | Cable and wire, portable power, rubber insulated (replaced by SAE-AS5756) |
MIL-C-7078 | Cable, aerospace vehicle, irradiated polyalkene/Kynar, PVC, Kapton, TFE insulated (replaced by NEMA-WC27500) |
MIL-C-13294 | Field wire, WD-1/TT |
MIL-C-13486 | Cable, special purpose, low tension, single and multiconductor ordinance Neoprene or CSPE |
MIL-C-13777 | Cable, ground support, Polyethylene insulation, Neoprene jacket (inactive) |
MIL-C-24640 | Shipboard cable, lightweight |
MIL-C-24643 | Shipboard cable, low smoke |
MIL-C-27072 | Cable special purpose, multiconductor ground support, for electronic circuits, PVC or TFE insulated |
MIL-C-47206 | Cable, single conductor, twisted pairs and multiconductor, high temperature, PVC and TFE insulated (replaced by NEMA-WC27500) |
MIL-C-49055 | Cable, power, flat; PVC, ETFE, TFE and FEP insulated |
MIL-C-55021 | Cable, twisted pairs and triples, internal hook-up, PVC and TFE insulated |
MIL-I-22129 | Tubing, non shrink |
MIL-C-85045 | U.S. Navy Fiber Optic Cable |
MIL-I-81765 | Molded shapes (replaced by SAE-AS81765) |
MIL-S-83519 | Shield termination sleeves (replaced by SAE-AS83519) |
QQ-W-343 | Uninsulated solid or stranded copper conductor, coated or bare (replaced by A-A-59551) |
QQ-B-575 | Copper braid, round or flat, bare or coated (replaced by A-A-59569) |
J-C-580 | Flexible cord and fixture wire (Federal spec, replaced by UL 62 and UL 66) |
J-C-30B | Cable and wire electrical, power fixed installation (building wire) (Federal spec) |
JW-1177 | Magnet wire (Federal spec, replaced by NEMA MW-1000) |
MIL-T-43435 | Lacing tape |
MIL-T-713 | Lacing tape |
Tijuana, Rosarito, Mexicali, Ensenada, Tecate, San Luis Rio Colorado, Son, La Paz, BCS, Los Cabos BCS
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