Single Jacket Dielectric Cable Loose Tube 2

M9B510T, M9A510T, M9C510T, M9W510T, M9B511T, M9A511T, M9C511T, M9W511T, M9B500T, M9A500T, M9C500T, M9W500T, M9B502T, M9A502T, M9C502T, M9W502T, M9B505T, M9A505T, M9C505T, M9W505T, M9B507T, M9A507T, M9C507T, M9W507T, M9B513T, M9A513T, M9C513T, M9W513T, M9B509T, M9A509T, M9C509T, M9W509T, M9B520T, M9A520T, M9C520T, M9W520T, M9B810, M9A810, M9C810, M9W810, M9B811, M9A811, M9C811, M9W811, M9B812, M9A812, M9C812, M9W812, M9B813, M9A813, M9C813, M9W813, M9B814, M9A814, M9C814, M9W814, M9B815, M9A815, M9C815, M9W815, M9B816, M9A816,M9C816, M9W816, M9B817, M9A817, M9C817, M9W817,
Single Jacket Dielectric Cable Loose Tube 2
Single Jacket Dielectric Cable Loose Tube 2, Tel: (664) 621 33 36 / (664) 621 30 09,
El concepto de Mantenimiento, Reparación y Operaciones o simplemente MRO, abarca todo el material indirecto relacionado directamente con el producto y los servicios que son vitales para el funcionamiento continuo de la producción en la industria. Todo lo que no es materia prima y, por lo tanto, no será parte del producto final, cae en esta clasificación.
Mantenimiento: Estos son elementos necesarios para «mantener» la planta o unidad en perfecto funcionamiento prductivo.
Reparaciones: Donde hablaríamos de equipos y suministros necesarios para reparar la maquinaria de la planta cuando una máquina se avería y queda fuera de servicio, o cuando tiene programada una tarea para el mantenimiento rutinario.
Operaciones: Incluyendo elementos tales como Personal protective equipment(PPE) – equipos de protección individual (EPI), herramientas de corte, así como el resto de elementos necesarios para operar la planta productiva de manera eficiente.
Single Jacket, All Dielectric Cable
Loose Tube — Outdoor, and Indoor/Outdoor Riser Rated
■ Medium to high fiber count requirements
■ Inter-building duct installations
■ Lashed aerial
■ Indoor/outdoor
■ Industrial outside plant
Product Description
Gel-filled buffer tube prevents water migration. All-dielectric strength
member. Available as Riser rated cable, thereby eliminating the
need for service entrance splicing to in-building cable. Full dielectric
construction, no grounding required. Available with up to 216 fibers.
Length markings in meters for easy determination of cable length.
Numero de Parte Belden: M9B510T, M9A510T, M9C510T, M9W510T, M9B511T, M9A511T, M9C511T, M9W511T, M9B500T, M9A500T, M9C500T, M9W500T, M9B502T, M9A502T, M9C502T, M9W502T, M9B505T, M9A505T, M9C505T, M9W505T, M9B507T, M9A507T, M9C507T, M9W507T, M9B513T, M9A513T, M9C513T, M9W513T, M9B509T, M9A509T, M9C509T, M9W509T, M9B520T, M9A520T, M9C520T, M9W520T, M9B810, M9A810, M9C810, M9W810, M9B811, M9A811, M9C811, M9W811, M9B812, M9A812, M9C812, M9W812, M9B813, M9A813, M9C813, M9W813, M9B814, M9A814, M9C814, M9W814, M9B815, M9A815, M9C815, M9W815, M9B816, M9A816,M9C816, M9W816, M9B817, M9A817, M9C817, M9W817,
Tijuana, Tecate, Mexicali, Rosarito, Ensenada, San Luis Rio Colorado, La Paz, Los Cabos
B9B202, B9A202, B9C202, B9E202, B9W202, B9B204, B9A204, B9C204, B9E204, B9W204,
B9B205, B9A205, B9C205, B9E205, B9W205, B9B206, B9A206, B9C206, B9E206, B9W206, B9B207, B9A207, B9C207, B9E207, B9W207, B9B209, B9A209, B9C209, B9E209, B9W209, B9B211, B9A211, B9C211, B9E211, B9W211, B9B215, B9A215, B9C215, B9E215, B9W215,
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